Dermofucin 2 Skin Ointment
Spread easily so they are better for treating large areas.
Dermofucin 2 skin ointment. Dermofucin cream is used for cutaneous infections infected dermatitis and spots skin infections bacterial skin infections infected cuts and grazes impetigo and other conditions. Highly effective against most primary and secondary skin bacteria infections caused by g ve. Fucidin cream with 2 fusidic acid is used to treat skin infections caused by bacteria in particular staphylococcal bacteria. Amman pharmaceutical industries api product code.
It is used to treat various skin infections caused by certain kinds of bacteria. These may include the following impetigo infected hair follicles folliculitis skin infection around the nails paronychia infected eczema infected wounds. كريم ديرموفيوسين 2 dermofucin 2 cream الامراض الجلدية حمض الفيوسيديك لماذا يستعمل فيوسيديك أسيد هو مضاد حيوي يعمل على تثبيط تصنيع البروتين في الخلايا البكتيرية ويستخدم عادة موضعيا لعلاج الالتهابات البكتيرية ولكن. Dermofucin skin cream ointment gel.
Submitted by admin on september 27 2016 3 10pm. Dermofucin ointment يساعد في علاج عدوى الجلد البكتيرية. Dermofucin cream contains fusidic acid as an active ingredient. Dermofucin ointment يقضي علي حب الشباب.
Add to wish list. Dermofucin ointment يعمل علي علاج الجروح الملوثة. كريم ديرموفيوسين له دور في علاج التهاب بصيلات الشعر. Dermofucin ointment may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.
تدهن الاماكن المصابة بمستحضر الدواء 2 3 مرات يوميا لمدة 7 أيام ماعدا في حالات حب الشباب حيث تمتد الفترة لمدة أطول تبعا لطبيعة المرض. Fusidic acid belongs to a class of medications known as antibiotics. Such infections may include impetigo and secondary infections infections that develop after the skin has been injured to burns or broken skin. The only destination to visit for cosmetics personal care otc medicines baby care vitamins supplements and diet fitness in ksa.
Dermofucin ointment contains fusidic acid as an active ingredient. Home dermofucin 2 ointment. Fucidin cream with fusidic acid 2 can be used in adults and children but always consult a dermatologist prior to using it. Covers more and deeper infections.
Dermofucin ointment is used for infected cuts and grazes bacterial skin infections impetigo infected dermatitis and spots skin infections and other conditions.