My Daily Routine تعبير

34 My Daily Routine تمرين مهارات عن عملي اليومي الروتيني Youtube

34 My Daily Routine تمرين مهارات عن عملي اليومي الروتيني Youtube



35 His Daily Routine تمرين عن عمله اليومي الروتيني Youtube

35 His Daily Routine تمرين عن عمله اليومي الروتيني Youtube

تعبير عن الروتين اليومي بالانجليزي مع الترجمة قصير تعلم الانجليزية

تعبير عن الروتين اليومي بالانجليزي مع الترجمة قصير تعلم الانجليزية

تعبير عن الروتين اليومي بالانجليزي مع الترجمة قصير الموقع المثالي

تعبير عن الروتين اليومي بالانجليزي مع الترجمة قصير الموقع المثالي

تعبير بالانجليزي عن الروتين اليومي ويومياتي 8 نماذج مترجمة هات

تعبير بالانجليزي عن الروتين اليومي ويومياتي 8 نماذج مترجمة هات

تعبير بالانجليزي عن الروتين اليومي ويومياتي 8 نماذج مترجمة هات

I read for two hours.

My daily routine تعبير. Around 9 clock we have dinner and i get ready to sleep at 11 clock. After i finish school i go back to the house and eat lunch with my family. My daily routine i usually get up at 5 o clock. Then i go back to my room and put on my clothes.

I comb my hair. تعبير بالانجليزي عن daily routine موضعنا اليوم عو موضوع شيق للغاية ويهم كل الناس وليس فقط الطلاب وهو موضوع الروتين اليومي daily routine من منا ليس له روتين يومي يقوم به كل يوم وبدون انقطاع لسنوات عديدة وبدون توقف ولهذا فهو موضوع غاية في الاهمية. After finishing my study i was myself and take my food. I walk for half an hour.

After bath i have my snacks that my mom prepares and watch tv for some time. First i wash my face in the bathroom then i dress. I leave the house at 6 15 i take the bus to school. I start by taking a shower brushing my teeth drying my hairline user hair dryer and combing my hair.

Around 4 clock usually i start studying and doing my homework. Then i go directly to my university. I brush my teeth. I am an undergraduate student so i can describe my daily routine as a very simple routine however it may be a little complicated during exam month.

I put on my uniform. Later i have coffee with my family. My daily routine is to wake up very early in the morning usually around six o clock. Classes at school start at 7 00.

For my daily routine it starts from 7 00 am i wake up at this time have a shower wear my clothes have my breakfast. After getting fresh i sit to do my daily homework and to finish studying the lessons taught for the day. I leave the house at 6 15 am i take the bus to school. I shower brush my teeth dry my hair with the dryer and comb my hair.

يسرنا في موقع مبدع الالكتروني ان نقدم موضوع تعبير بالانجليزي عن الروتين اليومي. By 9 00 pm i would be done and then i keep the time table for the next day. I wake up immediately and go to the bathroom. تعبير بالانجليزي عن الروتين اليومي.

My daily routine 1 i wake up very early in the morning usually around six i get up at once and go to the bathroom. Classes are forty five minutes long with five minute breaks except for one. My school bus arrives home at 6 40 am. I wash my hands and face.

Then i sit down to prepare my homework. By then my dad would also reach home and by 9 30 we have our dinner. I take my breakfast i drink milk or tea. The morning walk refreshes me.

I come back and take my breakfast. Then i go ot for a walk. After i get up take a shower i usually don t have time for breakfast in the morning. I have breakfast with my sister.

My daily life is very simple. After i get up take a shower i usually don t have time for breakfast in the morning. First in the morning i wake up early and get ready to go to school. My daily routine is very simple.

I get up early in the morning. After i wait for the school bus. My daily routine i usually get up at 5 am. يناير 14 2018 في 12 23 ص.

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